I’ve heard them expressed in myriads of ways… by “them” I mean all the reasons why we’re all so glad to wave goodbye to 2020! No doubt, this has been a very challenging year and I could definitely add my hearty farewells to the mix.

But many times throughout the days of 2020, the Holy Spirit whispered these words from I Thessalonians 5:18 in my ear, “in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
See even during a year like 2020, we don’t get a free pass to complain, no in fact we are actually instructed to, “give thanks in all things!”

These living and active words from Scripture surely KEPT me this year… kept me from sinking into despair, kept me from becoming cynical and kept me on a steady path moving forward in hope.

Perhaps that is one of the reasons why God’s will for us is to, “give thanks in all things…” because God knows the power of thankfulness to position us in a secure place.
In that spirit, yesterday morning as I was out on my prayer walk pondering the coming days of 2021, the Lord broke through my thoughts and said, “Before we begin 2021, let’s first think about why you are grateful for 2020…”

So I did! And I thought I would share my top 5 reasons with you…
Reason #1 – God was faithful.
Some really tough stuff happened in 2020 and we all experienced it in our own personal ways… some similar, some not. The common denominator is that challenges were experienced by all. But let me tell you a few ways that I am especially thankful for God’s faithfulness amidst the challenges…
- As 2019 ended, God clearly led me to set up another online Bible Study called ‘Me and My Bible.’ I hadn’t planned to lead another one in 2020 because I wanted to do some more in-person events. But God had His own agenda. In faithfulness He went before us, because He knew what was coming. See when the lockdowns started, sure I lost quite a few events and speaking engagements, but we had over 500 people already in the midst of an online study and we didn’t miss a beat. Our ministry continued and so many people grew in their relationship with God through their Bible as a result.
- Right when Covid hit, my husband lost his job. We didn’t see this coming at all and it was a big blow, not just financially, but emotionally too, as we both had poured much into his role and we had dreams for how it would be a part of our future. But I am so thankful for God’s faithfulness. In the midst of a pandemic, God gave my husband a new job that is suited so well for him, increased our finances and gave us health insurance which we hadn’t had in a very long time.
- God led us to continue with our plans for our Fall Bible Getaway even in the midst of the pandemic. 37 women came together for our retreat and everyone was safe from Covid. It was a refreshing and lifegiving weekend!
- There have been so many times throughout this year that God has drawn near and spoken very clearly to encourage me, to give me perspective, to teach me, to heal me and to build dreams in my heart even in the midst of so much challenge. I am so thankful that He has been faithfully present with me throughout the days of 2020.
- I have been healthy and my family has been healthy.
Yes, God has surely been faithful and I am so grateful!
Reason #2 – Clarity
Sometimes it takes a challenge or a hard season to bring clarity of purpose, clarity of conviction and clarity about what is actually going on in our own hearts. I experienced all of these things during this hard year and I am grateful. See as I walked through the days of 2020, the Lord brought clarity of:
- My trust in Him… I had to decide if I was going to live in fear or trust God.
- My convictions about eternity… that I am living for eternity, not for the here and now.
- Where my identity comes from… it comes from Him, not what anyone else thinks of me.
- How I decide what is right and wrong… I make those decisions based on the Truth of His Word, not on the waves of cultural thinking.
- How I relate to people… that I love out of the fullness of God’s love that has been given to me, even when people hurt me, or cause me trouble.
- God’s purpose to save… that He longs to see this dark world turn to Him… and He wants me to purpose my life to be a part of His purpose.
- The power of prayer… there is nothing like it… sometimes I just have to be reminded.
- What really matters… when things get challenging, you realize what really matters, and what really doesn’t.
As the 2020 challenges ignited, clarity began to shine forth as I sought God and His heart. Although it came at a price, I haven’t had this kind of clarity in a long while, and I am so grateful for the gift of it in 2020.
Reason #3 – Many Good Things Still Took Place
Sure, I could give you a list of challenges from this past year. But you know what? I can also give you a list of some pretty amazing things that took place this year too! Here is a handful of those things from my list:
- We got to travel to the Bahamas right before the Covid lockdown.
- Our son got engaged to a beautiful young woman that our family adores.

- God birthed an amazing dream in my heart and I am pursuing it in hope.
- I experienced a healing in my bladder that I have been seeking God for over a long period of time.
- Our daughter launched a new wedding planning business.

- Our son graduated with His Master’s degree and His fiancé with her Bachelor’s degree.
- Our son landed a great job on the coaching staff at Liberty University for the men’s basketball team.
- My husband has embraced his new job and is doing so well.
- I finally started this new blog!
Yes, even amidst the hard, there has been so much blessing!
Reason #4 – My Marriage Thrived
In the midst of lockdowns and quarantines, there has been a lot of togetherness this year, and I know for many people that has been really tough. But for my husband and I, who have spent a ton of time together this year, our marriage actually thrived!
Perhaps it is that we have been married for 33 years now and we know each other well, perhaps it is that over the years God has grown the character of our hearts to love better, or perhaps it is that we finally figured out how to do this marriage thing. I am not really sure just why, maybe all those “perhaps” and more, and definitely God’s grace. All I know is, I am grateful.
See our marriage hasn’t always thrived, we have definitely had our struggles. But in 2020, I can truly say it did. All the together time was very good for us.

It is so good to partner in life with a man who loves you deeply… whom you respect… whom you love deeply back, and whom you enjoy.
Yes, 2020 was good for our marriage and I am grateful.
Reason #5 – I Learned Much
It seemed that 2020 brought many waves of challenge… I would say three huge waves for sure, but with many ripples in between. And the current of those waves and ripples was often threatening. However, amidst the 3 big waves of Covid 19, Political Strife and Racial Tension, I learned much, and I am grateful.
At first with each wave, I often felt like I was going under, or that I would be swept along in a current of deception and lies no matter how hard I tried to hold onto Truth. There have been some intense moments and lots of disappointments, and really, I know they aren’t over yet. But in the tension of all of it, I learned to seek the Lord for answers, for understanding and for knowledge.
And I have learned so much, for which I am very grateful!
So, there you have it… 5 reasons why I am grateful for 2020. I have more I could share, but I will leave it at 5 for now.
See I sensed it would be good to throw my 5 things for which I am grateful into the mix of the complaining and cheers about leaving 2020 that you are probably seeing and hearing all around you.
You want to know why? Because amidst all the ruckus, I am still hearing that whisper… and I believe God wanted me to whisper it to you too… “in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
As you look back on 2020 and try to make a thankfulness list, your top five may be very different from mine. In fact, something on my five may even have caused you to question and feel pain. That is ok. God is big enough for all of it and can even provide a sense of gratefulness in the midst of your struggles. He did that over and over again for me last year… and I know His supply is big enough to go around.
So what are your five? I would love to hear them. You can share them in the comments below. And I am certain it would be good for you to tell them to yourself too.
See none of us really know what the coming year will bring, but I do know that thankfulness builds a steady pathway from one place to the next.
So let’s look back at 2020 with thankfulness, and head into 2021 with a steady heart, knowing there will be blessings to count there too…
See you in the New Year,

I am always encouraged by you, Sharon. Your words shared here, your transparency and vulnerability hit home just a little bit closer. Thank you for your love of the word my sweet friend!
Michele, Thank you! Sure miss you and hope you are feeling better, I prayed for you over the holidays!
Amy, thanks for sharing and I loved reading your five!!! Such good things to be thankful for! I am thankful for you!
My top 5 things I am grateful for in 2020. 1- I have loved, enjoyed and grown in my relationships with God, my wife and my kids. 2- I am starting to develop some meaningful relationships with some men whom I respect and appreciate. 3- my ending of a job that needed to end and my beginning of a job that I hope will take me into retirement in a great way. 4- my mom going to glory, my dad being in a safe place and my extended family seeing God work in several beautiful ways. 5- being asked to preform my son’s wedding and premarital counseling and my nephew’s Pre marital counseling. I could go on but these are my top 5. Thanks for the prayers ncouragement in your blog and encouraging us to write out our top 5 too!
Marvin, thanks for sharing your top five! So glad to be married to a thankful man! Love you!
Sharon I found this very helpful. I am thankful for Gods faithfulness, family growth, recovery back to health, hearing Gods direction and really good friends!
Jeremy, I am so glad it was helpful and thanks for sharing your five!!!