Thanks for stopping by. I hope you’ll visit often and that we’ll become friends!
So, a little about me… I am a daughter of God, follower of Jesus, wife to Marvin, and mom to 2 children, McKenzie and Sam. I love to study and teach, but I also love to hang out with my family, paint, design, prayer walk, practice Pilates and figure out curly hair. I’m a beach girl at heart, it is surely my most happy place. So, that’s the basic stuff, but there’s more to tell, much more! Hence, the reason I created this blog site, Steps with Sharon…
My story, probably like yours, is full of many steps through twists and turns, ups and downs, highs and lows. In my late 20’s I started to get it, that life is best lived with daily steps planted firm in the Truths God gives us in His Word, yes the commands… but also the rich promises and disclosures of His heart. It took me 29 years to see that reality, but it changed everything for me. Since then, I have journeyed through this life differently, learning much, but ever aware of how much God still wants to expand my heart to take in His goodness and abundant life. I love Psalm 27:13-14 that says,
“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord, be strong and let your heart take courage, yes wait for the Lord.”

So, being 54, I’ve been doing this life for a while, and have lots of stories to tell. Tales of times when I totally mistepped it in the land of the living, and better stories of times when I didn’t. At least I think those are the better ones.
But really, it is the combination of steps both good and bad as we seek to wait on the Lord that molds a life marked by grace and filled with wonder.
I want to tell you about both. See, when I speak and teach at events, I’m often heard to say, “…and there’s a long story about that I’ll have to save for another time.” I often say that because on speaking platforms there is only so much time for my stories. But this, this is different. On this platform I can share about my everyday moments where my feet become more and more adjusted to walking out the things I find in God’s Word. And, you can tune in when the time is right for you…
See we are all on a journey, learning how to walk. Sure, when we are quite young, we learn how to move our legs and feet to transport us from here to there, but there is so much more to walking through this life than that.

Because there are all kinds of steps… relational, emotional, intellectual, mental, lifestyle and more… and this is definitely true…
Every step matters!
For the past 25 years, I have been on pursuit of personally walking through this life with my footsteps well established in all the richness I find in God’s Word. But I also firmly believe in cheering others on to do the same. So in 2006 I started a non profit organization called Established Footsteps. We’ve had a great go of it, coming alongside people cheering them on in all kinds of ways. It has been a rich part of my life and definitely still is.

“Steps with Sharon” will share more of my personal journey, opening up the door to my own intentional lifestyle of establishing my steps day after day. Jotting down highs and lows, successes, my not so great moments, and many of my questions and ponderings of God’s Truth in between.

My hope is that as I share, what you find here will encourage, inspire and provide you a friend to walk with you, as you too seek to walk with steps well established in God’s Truth.

Sooooo excited for you as you STEP out in faith and WATCH what God does in and through you as you pour out God’s truth to us all!! Love you dearly friend!!
Thank you so much Tammy! You are such an encourager to me!!!