I’d really love for you to be at the Fall Bible Getaway this year…
See, about 25 years ago God broke my heart open for His Word… and I’ve spent the last 25 years learning what it says, why it is such a treasure, how to hear from God in it, relate to Him through it, be encouraged by it, stand in faith for it, share it with others, hold onto its Truths, believe it for miracles, and literally keep breathing because of its power… and there is so much more I could say!
Bottom line, I have learned, we need the Word of the Lord, we literally can’t really LIVE without it!
And yet, life gets so busy, we get so distracted and many times even our best attempts to to connect with God are focused more on our words, or the words of another, instead of His.
The Fall Bible Getaway offers a time for something different. We get away from the distractions and simply spend the entire weekend focused on a passage of Scripture… and we creatively soak that passage in amongst rich fellowship, in a beautiful setting, full of rest and inspiration.
After years of ministry, I can honestly say, Fall Bible Getaway is the most special of times… so many rich things, powerful things, life changing things take place. God is there and He speaks and moves.
My heart longs for women to experience it! I know you need a time like this… we all do!
I hope you will plan to register… Registration opens on May 22, 2021 at 9am on our website http://www.establishedfootsteps.com
BUT… you could also win a registration…

See, I know why I love Fall Bible Getaway, but I would love to hear from you!
We are super excited about GIVING AWAY A FREE REGISTRATION to this amazing retreat for 2021! Read on to find out how you could make that blessing yours.
FIRST – Make sure you are Subscribed to our Blog, Like our Facebook Page and Follow us on Instagram!
SECOND – In 1-5 sentences, comment below and tell us why you love coming to Fall Bible Getaway, or if you have never attended before, tell us why you would like to come! ***You can comment on all 3, our Blog, Facebook and Instagram
To increase your possibility of winning, post an additional comment tagging at least three friends.
All comments must be posted by TUESDAY, MAY 18TH AT 11PM to be eligible for the prize drawing.
Winner will be announced on our Blog, Facebook and Instagram Wednesday, 5/19/21 at 5pm.
Disclosure: Giveaway of one Single Registration to FBG 2021 is sponsored by Established Footsteps Ministry. Comments from our Blog, Facebook and Instagram will be included in the drawing. Giveaway includes Registration, but does not include your personal travel expenses.
One way or another, I really hope to see you there!

I love your teachings!!! Thank you for being so obedient❤️
Thank you Jodi! That blesses my heart! I love to teach the Word!
I have never experienced FBG, but see how exciting and wonderful it is from the posts and the pictures. I believe it is truly awesome that Sharon has brought these wonderful women together to share in the love of God. She is the most inspiring woman I know to share so much of her and her teachings, which both are beyond words. She has really helped me in my closer walk with God and I needed so much to feel this deep connection with our Father again. I believe this is a wonderful idea to bring God loving women together and at a beautiful location that we can just be one with each other and God.
Stephanie, so glad you have been blessed by our studies! We would love to have you at Fall Bible Getaway!
Thank you, Sharon. I look forward to it.
Yay! We are too!
I love Fall Bible getaway so much that I travel all the way from Michigan to attend. Being away from my everyday life and at the beach calms my spirit and quiets my heart. The teaching and Bible study fills me up and leaves me craving the Word of God even more after I leave.
We love it when you come Deidra! Hope you can come again this year!
FBG is a true respite and retreat experience for me. To step away from the busy responsibilities of motherhood, marriage, and being a full time student, this weekend is something I crave all year. My first experience last year brought unexpected blessings like listening to the stories of women who have suffered so much but still praise God. What a witness! I also love the deep Bible teaching Sharon provides, including having to actually write Scripture down!
We loved having you last year Amy and hoping you will be there again this year too!
Fall Bible Getaway is something I look forward to each year! It is a time to dig deep into Gods Word… refresh my heart and soul… and make amazing friends! Life can be hard and this time away helps me to recenter and focus on the Lord. It is truly life changing!
And we look forward to having you each year Wendy!
This is so awesome!
Thanks for all who shared your thoughts about FBG… we loved hearing from you! And the winner is… Rebecca Wood!
Registration opens on Saturday, May 22nd at 9am. To see our Registration Brochure and Tips for Registering, visit http://www.establishedfootsteps.com/bibleministry