I write this blog to share the everyday steps of my life… the nitty gritty of walking through life, endeavoring to follow Jesus and live in His plan. Some posts are a deeper spiritual dive, and some, well they just are about everyday life stuff… this one would be that kind.
So, about last year at this time, my friend got a new puppy, and something happened on the inside of me. After years of saying I had no interest in having a dog, suddenly I found myself dreaming of having one. What in the world? Everyone who knows me well was wondering what had happened to the Sharon they knew. And honestly, I was wondering too. So, I set the idea aside, knowing a puppy was not right for me.
But month after month as that puppy longing actually resurfaced, and each time with a little more umph… there resulted lots of thinking, dreaming, and… conversations in our house about getting a puppy.
My husband wanted no parts of it… and after months of trying to talk me out of this crazy idea, he said, “Ok, but this will be your dog!” He made it perfectly clear that all responsibility would be on me. And he also said, “I think what you really want is grandchildren.” And in some ways, he was probably right, but being that I can do nothing about that, the puppy desires only grew stronger.
Instagram did nothing to help… all those puppy reels with cute little voices and expressions. Who can stand against that? Once they got my attention and started showing up regularly in my Instagram feed, my husband and kids didn’t have a chance to talk me out of it. And then there was that moment in early October that I met the cutest little puppy on the beach, who happened to look just like the kind of puppy I wanted. My heart was smitten… there was no going back.
Actually, there could have still been a way back, but I took this desire to prayer… and although I couldn’t figure out why God was moving me forward, I really sensed He was… that He wanted me to get this puppy, that He had good plans in store. It all seemed so strange!
Fast forward to the November 12, lots of conversation, inquiry, planning and more, all landed me on this day when my parents drove with me to the Richmond airport, about an hour away, to pick up my toy poodle puppy.

Ever heard that song that goes like this, “and they called it puppy love…”
Well, that was me… from the moment I first unhinged the crate, and felt his little squiggles and kisses all over my face, I was in love.
I named him Happy Zaccheus Thomas. Happy, because I want him to bring joy… Zaccheus, because he is my wee little man, only weighing in at 1.8 pounds when he first arrived. Actually, brief story here, I grew up with a toy poodle named Goliath (the biggest man in the Bible) so I thought it was full circle fitting to name this one Zaccheus (the smallest man in the Bible).

The first night was brutal. Up every hour and half crying. My husband was true to his word, so it was all me… getting up, trying to take him out in the cold weather to get him to go potty and then try to put him back to sleep. That puppy love was quickly turning into thoughts of “What have I done to my life!”
And the next couple of weeks were filled with a mixture of extreme conflict in my mind and heart… one being genuine love for this furry adorable 2 pounds of sweetness… and the other being, “Oh no, I have made a big mistake!”
See, if you are not aware, a puppy is a lot of work! Everyone told me, but I didn’t listen. Sigh. But the turning point in my mental conflict came when someone expressed a desire for Happy to be theirs and I found myself getting very protective… my heart was like, “No he belongs to me!”
It was then that I knew, I really was a puppy mom. Even with all the challenges, I couldn’t imagine life without my Happy!

So, what is life as Puppy Mom like? I will fill you in on SOME of what I have experienced…
Happy makes people happy!
Puppies just bring joy, especially if they are cute. And I have been told over and over that Happy is the cutest puppy ever… and I must say I absolutely agree! The Lord has reminded me multiple times that He created all things, including puppies. And me in my serious self has often wondered why. Well, I think part of His motive is simply joy.

Happy has brought lots of laughter, silliness and joy into our home but he brings it all over the place too. Being so small, it is easy to pop him in this little sling pouch I can drape on like a purse, so I pretty much take him everywhere I go.

And people stop and talk and smile and get all googly eyed over his sweet little face. And I do too, every morning and all throughout the day. He just brings joy.
I think the Lord knew I needed that joy in my life that had become way too serious. And just so you know, Happy brings my husband much joy too… Happy is no longer just my dog, he is ours! 😊

Happy has turned our lives upside down!
Who would think that something so small could effect that much change, but I am telling you it’s true. I don’t even know where to begin, but let me just say that basically all of our life routines have had to adjust. It has been challenging for sure, but there is something good about it too.
Isn’t it just like the Lord to shake things up when we get a little too comfortable and selfish? You heard me right… selfish. Both Marvin and I have had to look in the mirror and realize we had become quite self- focused. Well Happy won’t have that, because he wants to be the center of attention. So, we take him out when it is pouring down rain. We go on that walk at night when we would rather sit on the couch and watch TV. We adjust our schedules and figure out potty training and where to put all the puppy toys. It isn’t about just us anymore, and really, we kind of needed that.
Happy is a social magnet!
Oh, my goodness, everyone wants to meet Happy. It is a regular occurrence for people to stop their cars and back up when they see us outside, just so they can meet the puppy and ask us all about him. Kids love him.

Our Fed Ex guy wants to borrow Happy to be his chic magnet LOL, and we can’t get very far in a store without someone stopping us to meet the puppy.
But you know what, it is great… we are meeting all kinds of people that we probably wouldn’t have met otherwise, and Happy is loving every minute of it!
Happy is creating routine!
Puppies like babies need routine, and now that I have one, routines are a must or we would never get anything done. And you know what, that is good for me. I have always thrived in routine, but over the last couple of years, my discipline for routine had gotten somewhat sluggish I guess.
Well, no more! Being that Happy needed routine, we are creating it, trying things out and figuring out what works best. Routine is good for all of us and the Lord knew mine needed some upgrades!
Happy is my friend!
Over the last few years, with my kids grown and out on their own and me working from home, life had gotten kind of lonely sometimes, especially during the day. I have always been someone who appreciates being by myself, but even for someone like that, companionship is good.
My favorite moments are when Happy is in my lap as I study and write, just being there, simply because he wants to be. That feels good, good way down deep in my heart.
So, there you have it, a little of what being a puppy mom has been like in these first two months. Of course there is much more to tell… toys all over the floor, the extra budget for dog food and treats, the accidents to clean up, the poop bags I store in my pocket just in case, the nips all over my hands and clothes as Happy learns how to be gentle, the chewed up phone cord… you know, all that fun puppy stuff that comes with the good.
But I am pretty sure he is worth it!
James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father above…”
In looking back at 2021, I would have to say that Happy is one of my good gifts from God. Certainly not what I thought God had in mind for me, nor thought I would ever want myself. But I guess God looked down at me in my too serious over organized life and said, “Sharon, I think you need a puppy!”

So in response, this new puppy mom is saying, “Thank you God for Happy!

What a beautiful puppy! Loved reading your blog Sharon.
I think he is beautiful too! Although my husband says handsome! Thanks for reading!
Happy makes me happy that you are so happy!!! Quite a change in weight from my 140 pounder but he is loving & cuddly also! Thank you for sharing Sharon!!
You are so sweet! I am sorry you lost your sweet dog 🙁 and I am glad Happy made you smile!
He is adorable. But if he brings you this much joy I can’t wait until you become a grandma. It is Happy x 1,000!! Thanks for sharing!
Aww, I am sure! I look forward to that day!