I remember January 1st this year when we all took our first steps into 2020. A common catchphrase went someone like this… “2020 vision for 2020.” It sounded great, and it waxed well for the new year hype. Only problem was, just a few months in and we all needed some really thick glasses if we wanted clear vision for this very challenging year of 2020.

First came Covid19, then quarantines, then masks, then jobs lost and businesses closing and churches shutting their doors and on and on it went… and then our racial and political strife which has caused so much grief and turmoil, and of course the mess that the news and media threw up over all of it, and if that wasn’t enough, social media platforms became the platform for every personal varying opinion on all of it.

I know you know exactly what I am talking about…
Maybe our struggles weren’t exactly the same, but the challenges over these last 5 months have been all too raw and real haven’t they?
And somewhere in the midst of all the loss, disappointment, confusion and isolation, I found myself whiny, lazy and confused and definitely losing my sight for the goodness that 2020 was supposed to bring. What about you?
But then… MY PERSPECTIVE MET PERSPECTIVE. I was listening to a podcast about faith and the speaker referenced an instagram post that went something like this, “Imagine you were born in the year 1900… “ And he went on to talk me through all the things I would have experienced starting at age 14 if 1900 had been my the year I was born. One tragedy and challenge right after another, year after year. Things like World War I, then the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression, World War II, the Holocaust, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cuban Missile Crisis, If I had been born in 1900, these horrific challenges and losses would have been present MY WHOLE LIFE!
As I locked eyes with that perspective, somehow my eyes became clear again.
Sure these months have been hard, no doubt! But six months set alongside your whole life doesn’t seem so bad after all does it? Perspective.
In that moment the Holy Spirit brought me back to remembering a word that Jesus spoke. This word has cleared my vision many times over and it didn’t disappoint this time either. Here it is from the Message Bible, Matthew 6:22-23, “Your eyes are windows into your body. If you open your eyes wide in wonder and belief, your body fills up with light. If you live squinty-eyed in greed and distrust, you body is a dank cellar. If you pull the blinds on your windows, what a dark life you will have.”

Perspective changes everything!
In the midst of loss, disappointment and more, I needed to open my eyes wide and embrace the many reasons I had to be thankful, lots of blessings to count, and much to still look ahead to in faith.

See I decided a long time ago to open my eyes wide in gratitude based on the Truths and promises God has spoken to me, NO MATTER WHAT this life brings.

Somehow I let the happenings of this 2020 year blur my vision… but I am so glad I’ve now got my 2020 back! Do you?
*Credit @historic